Viviene Yeo (105/March)
The story "A Tortoise and a Hippopotamus",is an extraordinary story of the unlikely friendship between a tortoise and a hippopotamus.The baby hippopotamus was left alone by his family in the tsunami on December 26th, 2004. He was frightened, shocked and helpless but was rescued and given a home. It is extremely cruel to the baby as he had lost his family when he needed them the most. So,Owen, the poor baby hippopotamus rushed straight to the old giant tortoise as soon as he was released into the park. In my opinion, it was the only thing, which could give him a sense of security at that moment. The poor, exhausted creature had finally found something to rely on. Mzee, the tortoise had shown his friendliness and kindness to Owen when the baby hippo desperately needed it. The friendship between the 2 creatures is amiracle. It tells the world that the relationship between animals isprecious and incomparable. Love can touch the world and the relationship between all living things can make our world a better place.It is a special kind of bonding between all living things. It is a miracle, yet it is also a promise that will be with us until the end.
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